When planning your wedding, it's hard enough to think about the little details you want, let alone what you're going to be gifting to your guests! And with everyone wanting to do something a bit different and give their guests something unique to take away with them, it's becoming increasingly difficult to find original ideas. Here are 5 of my favourite ideas for wedding favours that are a bit different and won't cost the earth!
1. Books

Perhaps my love of reading makes me a little bias but the whimsical idea of random books as wedding favours really excites me. Give yourself plenty of time before your wedding and collect secondhand books from charity shops (a nice way to donate as you go), car boot sales and sites such as Gumtree. A mix of fiction and non-fiction is a great way to keep things interesting and of course, look out for young adult and kids books for any younger guests at your wedding. Before the day, wrap each book in brown paper and finish with a little twine for the perfect, rustic wedding favour.
Tip: You can personalise your wedding favours with a sticker designed in the same style as your stationery, dried flowers to match your theme or by selecting books that really match your guest's personality.
2. Pet Treats/Toys

If you and your guests are big animal lovers or if you're considering having pets at your wedding, why not celebrate your furry friends by giving out homemade pet treats or toys! There are lots of recipes and tutorials online to make your own pet goodies and you don't have to stick to one pet type, you could have a selection of dog, cat and even rabbit treats. Most recipes are super simple and only require a few ingredients that can be bought from your local supermarket, just make sure you write out a list of ingredients in case there are any pets with more sensitive stomachs!
3. Charity Donations

Many large charities now offer some form of wedding favour package, allowing you to make a donation on behalf of your guests and in return receiving a little thank you card and sometimes a badge or sticker. But even if a charity you really care about doesn't offer a wedding package, you can still donate the budget you would have spent on wedding favours and just hold a little back to create a small thank you card explaining to guests why the charity is so important. This is a great way to honour family members or give back to communities that are close to your heart.
Tip: If you'd still like to give your guests a little something, how about something low cost like mini chocolate bars or sweets so you can still stick to your budget whilst making a donation to your charity.
4. Baubles/Tree Decorations

So this one is more for weddings later in the year as it is a little festive, but similar to the books, it's worth starting your favour hunt as far in advance as possible. There are so many beautiful Christmas decorations that end up in charity shops, on eBay or tucked away at car boot sales and they would make the perfect wedding favour. Search for unusual and vintage decorations that are a little quirky and will stand out on your tables. You could even add little name tags to each one and display them on a tree!
5. Tea Cups and Tea

If you're going for a vintage or country garden theme, these wedding favours would compliment your style beautifully. Starting well in advance, collect old tea cups from vintage shops, charity shops, car boots and online, the more random the mix of patterns, the more charming it'll be. You can either lay each cup in a place setting for guests or have them all set up on a large table for everyone to pick their own. In each cup, place a special teabag, coffee beans or sachet of luxury hot chocolate as the finishing touch.
Whatever you decide to gift to your guests on your wedding day, try not to put too much pressure on yourself to make it perfect. Remember it's just a little something for them to remember your day and to thank them for attending, there's no need to blow your entire wedding budget trying to keep everyone happy with personalised items. Any gifts will be appreciated, no matter how small, so keep this in mind and choose something that fits with your theme.